One such benefit is that they can be much more environmentally friendly than communicating in more traditional ways. Let’s take a look at this and why it is essential to adopt digital practices and how Cadasio is helping make this possible.

Reduced Paper Usage

Traditional 2D printed instructions require a large amount of paper, most of which will end up straight in the bin. Paper production requires significant amounts of water, energy, and chemicals, and the disposal of paper waste can lead to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. Cadasio on the other hand creates an online digital presentation that can be shared with anyone instantly at the touch of a button. This may mean that you do not need to print anything, and indeed several of our customers have made all their assembly instructions online only using Cadasio in an effort to reduce their paper usage. Since the projects in Cadasio are in 3D, less text is required which means less language specific manuals needing to be printed.

Reduced Printing

Along with the reduced need for paper is the reduced need for printing. Printer ink has a high environmental cost to manufacture so reducing this can only be a good thing.

Reduced Waste

Cadasio projects are based upon your original CAD files. Any design changes that are made, such as new parts or changes to geometry can pushed up to an existing Cadasio project. If you spot a mistake, its as simple as fixing it and making a new version go live. This saves you from having to bin the original and starting again from scratch. Since our presentations are shared via a simple link or QR code, they can be accessed repeatedly, reducing the need for reprintings.

Carbon Footprint

Internet-based assembly instructions do not require physical delivery, which means that there are no transportation emissions associated with the production and transportation of paper products which requires a significant amount of energy.

There is a small carbon footprint associated with creating publications in Cadasio, such as the electricity to use the devices/ computers and the footprint of the servers to keep everything running, but this pales into insignificance when compared to the cost of traditional paper methods. Also as electricity generation becomes more sustainable, so too would the use of Cadasio.

Whilst Cadasio’s focus is on easily creating a shareable, interactive 3D presentation, we can create assets for traditional paper manuals. We realise that the total change to digital is not going to happen overnight but we are working to enable businesses to become more sustainable, quicker for a brighter future for us all.